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Travel Scanner LLC is not responsible for any sort of information mismatch showcased or provided at other websites. If it’s wrong or there is an error, we take no responsibility.

The advertisements shown on other websites

We take no responsibility for those advertisements. So, it is recommended to contact us and re-check before you take any decision.

Travel Scanner LLC doesn’t supervise any web page linked elsewhere with our website. All the links are provided to update and to make your experience more convenient. To make an informed decison, you should read the details carefully.

It is recommended to cross check the details provided by the third party or Airlines sites etc. . You can contact customer care consultant via email if the information is not clear and get replies to your queries.

We take no responsibility of any sort of fraud that occurs due to third party links, site duplication. After complete investigation take an intelligent decision. If your questions have not received the genuine answer then never go for the services.